avotech Beta Community

A private beta community for forward-thinking insurers and intermediaries.
Join the community
Help us build the insurance tools of the future.
The best ideas come from collaboration. We’re building innovative software solutions to shape the future of insurance, but in order for to do this, we need to know what your problems are.

That’s why we created the avotech Beta Community - a place for insurers and intermediaries to collaborate and think of the problems for avotech to solve.

Join us now for insight, expertise and discussions, and get exclusive early access to the next generation of insurance tools.

Why join the avotech Beta

In everything we do, we follow our core values to make a big difference.
Product betas
Early access to cutting-edge insurance software
Partner opportunities
Position your business at the forefront of insurance
Product feature workshops to get your business on board
Discounted pricing for early adopters
Priority features
Prioritisation of features on our product roadmaps
Slack workspace
Chat to us one-on-one for frictionless collaboration